
Art & culture

Art & culture

Trentino is a treasure trove of art, culture and history.

A holiday in Trentino is not only nature. Lovers of city life and historical and artistic tours, get ready! The city of Trento is something not to be missed during your cultural holiday in Trentino where you can visit museums and historic buildings of great interest. Surrounded by the mountains its typical alpine charm is captivating. Things to see:

  • the Cathedral of San Vigilio located in Piazza del Duomo, with the large famous Neptune’s Fountain, and the charm of numerous buildings with shops, restaurants and cafes;
  • the Tridentino Diocesan Museum,
  • Church of Santa Maria Maggiore,
  • Buonconsiglio Castle,
  • Trento Science Museum (MUSE) where children and adults will be amazed by the exhibits.

For those who wish to go further afield you can visit Bolzano, the capital of South Tyrol which clearly reflects the meeting point and place of exchange of different cultures. In art for example Giottesque paintings and works of the gothic school can be found together, while in architecture a striking feature is the unusual contrast between the historic and new parts of the city separated by the Talvera River. There are numerous artistic-cultural tours in Bolzano: churches, monuments, historic streets and squares, museums and castles.


Buonconsiglio Castle

Buonconsiglio Castle

One of the best known buildings in Trento

Main residence of the bishops from the 12th to the 18th centuries, Buonconsiglio Castle is the largest and most important building complex in Trentino Alto Adige.

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The most beautiful towns of Italy

The most beautiful towns of Italy

Rango and Tenno

Are you familiar with the old rural towns with their narrow climbing alleys, entrance halls, old woodsheds, courtyards and arcades? Here you will find the aromas and flavours of Trentino.

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Varone Waterfall

Varone Waterfall

A few kilometres from Breguzzo

The Varone waterfall is without doubt one of the places not to miss for the beauty of the location and waterfall, just a few kilometres from Breguzzo. In winter the scene becomes even more charming when the waterfall freezes over. An enchanting place that is worth visiting in any season.

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Piazza Duomo

Piazza Duomo

One of the most beautiful in Italy

Piazza del Duomo in Trento is surrounded by fountains and historic buildings that speak of centuries full of art and culture. Something not to miss: the Cathedral of Trento and the Tridentino Diocesan Museum.

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Christmas Markets

Christmas Markets

In one of the most beautiful towns

Every year crowds of people visit the market of Trento, but not far from Breguzzo you will find the best Christmas markets in Trentino in the most beautiful towns of Italy. Come and see the markets of Rango and Tenno where you will be enthralled by the Christmas atmosphere.

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The science museum of Trento

Designed by the famous architect Renzo Piano, the MUSE at Trento is the perfect place for introducing your children to science.

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Deserves a visit!

A charming city with long streets flanked by porticos, where the beauty of the individual buildings is striking and the atmosphere is relaxed. Things not to miss: the Cathedral, the market of Piazza delle Erbe and the Archaeological Museum.

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Il titolare del trattamento dati è Albergo Carlone srl e dichiara che i dati acquisiti tramite il presente form verrà trattato nel seguente modo:

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